11 Jun 2012

Whaley Bridge Water Weekend
Friday 8th to Sunday 10th June 2012:

A fun packed weekend full of boat trips (free), stalls, Punch and Judy,  Fairground, Meerkats, Steam Engine and Music, Music, Music.....

Well the weekend certainly was a memorable occasion for me!  Set up my stall in the torrential rain on the Friday night.  Had to keep taking a break from the downpour, as it was practically impossible to see what I was doing.  On top of that, my hands were numb from the cold!! Isn't June supposed to be the start of SUMMER??

I persevered and when happy that the stall was secure and water tight (Ho Hum), headed off home cold and soaked through to the skin for a nice long soak in the bath.

The wind blew fiercely that night and the rain hammered on the skylights.  I did not sleep a wink and got up to arrive back at Whaley by 7am on the Saturday.

On arrival, I was relieved to see that the stall was still in tact (FAMOUS LAST WORDS!!)

Went in to start setting up and saw the roof with two HUGE HEAVY sacks of water hanging down....It sure was water tight!!

Went to see how heavy the water was and this happened.....

Not a nice experience I have to say.  So instead of setting up, I started packing away!!

However, not to be beaten, I returned the same early hours of Sunday morning (and I am NOT a good early riser I have to say!) with another gazebo, prepared for whatever was going to hit me....

Even Punch couldn't get to me!!!

and I went home with the sun shining and a pleasant memory my weekend/Sunday at the lovely Whaley Bridge....